
MidChains FZE


MidChains FZE

MidChains FZE (the “Firm”) does not tolerate any malpractice, impropriety, non-compliance, or wrongdoing by Employees in the course of their work and promotes responsible and secure whistleblowing without fear of adverse consequences.  

Employees are encouraged and expected to speak up if they believe that the Firm may have committed, or is about to commit, breach of laws, regulations or internal policies and procedures and to discuss the matter in confidence with an appropriate senior manager or the Compliance Officer.  

MidChains has a Whistleblowing Policy and will treat all disclosures seriously and consistently. Whistleblowers will not be treated unfairly and there will be no effect to their position at the Firm. MidChains will take the necessary steps to mediate and resolve the situation.