
Welcome to MidChains API documentation. These documents outline trading platform functionality, market details, and APIs.

APIs are separated into two categories: Market data feed and trading. Feed APIs provide market data and are public. Trading APIs require authentication and provide access to placing orders and other account information.

Version: 1.0.0

Time Format

The MidChains API timestamp fields us the Epoch/POSIX format for WebSocket API Requests. Unix and POSIX measure time as the number of seconds that have passed since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC

Do not provide miliseconds. ‘1614331055’ or ‘1614331055000’ are supported. ‘1614331055123’ is not supported.

"time": "1614331055000"
"time": "1614331055000"
"time": "1614331055000"
"time": "1614331055000"

Message Header

TagField NameRequiredNote
9BodyLengthYes(Always unencrypted, must be second field in message)
35MsgTypeYes(Always unencrypted, must be third field in message)
49SenderCompIDYesProvided by MidChains
56TargetCompIDYesProvided by MidChains
34MsgSeqNumYes(Can be embedded within encrypted data section.)

Message Trailer

TagField NameRequiredNote
10CheckSumYes(Always unencrypted, always last field in message)

Login (A)

The logon message identifies and authenticates the user or member and establishes a connection to the FIX Gateway. The FIX gateway accepts Logon messages as per the FIX specification. Further, the FIX gateway supports the logon sequence required for session authentication. After a successful logon as described in the specification the FIX gateway will: Initiate retransmission processing via a resend request if the Logon sequence number is greater than the value expected Initiate logout processing via a Logout message with an appropriate error message, then waits for a confirming Logout before disconnecting if the Logon sequence number is less than expected. If the confirming Logout has not been received within a short period of time the session will be disconnected. Handle retransmission requests. Initiate a Logon using the SenderCompID in the message header. Will forwarded to the FIX client messages that are waiting in the outbound queue Begin regular message communication.

TagField NameRequiredNote
Standard HeaderYesMsgType = A
Standard TrailerYes
Example Message Client 8=FIX.4.2^A9=70^A35=A^A34=2^A49=SENDERCOMP^A52=20210714-01:01:10.569^A56=MIDCDEV1^A98=0^A108=60^A10=049^A Gateway 8=FIX.4.2^A9=72^A35=A^A49=MIDCDEV1^A56=YOURSENDCOMD^A34=422^A52=20210714-07:52:46.306^A98=0^A108=60^A10=163^A
Example Message Client 8=FIX.4.2^A9=70^A35=A^A34=2^A49=SENDERCOMP^A52=20210714-01:01:10.569^A56=MIDCDEV1^A98=0^A108=60^A10=049^A Gateway 8=FIX.4.2^A9=72^A35=A^A49=MIDCDEV1^A56=YOURSENDCOMD^A34=422^A52=20210714-07:52:46.306^A98=0^A108=60^A10=163^A
Example Message Client 8=FIX.4.2^A9=70^A35=A^A34=2^A49=SENDERCOMP^A52=20210714-01:01:10.569^A56=MIDCDEV1^A98=0^A108=60^A10=049^A Gateway 8=FIX.4.2^A9=72^A35=A^A49=MIDCDEV1^A56=YOURSENDCOMD^A34=422^A52=20210714-07:52:46.306^A98=0^A108=60^A10=163^A
Example Message Client 8=FIX.4.2^A9=70^A35=A^A34=2^A49=SENDERCOMP^A52=20210714-01:01:10.569^A56=MIDCDEV1^A98=0^A108=60^A10=049^A Gateway 8=FIX.4.2^A9=72^A35=A^A49=MIDCDEV1^A56=YOURSENDCOMD^A34=422^A52=20210714-07:52:46.306^A98=0^A108=60^A10=163^A